About Us
Reedy Creek Nursery Pty Ltd was established in 1997 in response to the increasing demand for forestry, revegetation, windbreak trees, grapevines & olive trees in the South East of South Australia and into Western Victoria. Our background has been in the nursery game for the past 31 years, with an emphasis on the high volume production of seedlings and rooted cuttings.
- Air seeder capable of seeding up to 1 million seedlings a week.
- All trays and handling equipment and facilities are sterilized on a daily basis during the seeding, pricking out and consolidation processes. The facility is fully HACCP certified and is audited every 6 months.
Controllable conveyor soil filling & tray handling.
- Controlled atmosphere germination rooms with a daily capacity of 100,000 seedlings.
- Post germination shade houses / hot house facilities to establish seedlings for their first month of life & during thinning.
- Large capacity green house / shade house establishment of seedlings prior to outside hardening in Autumn (see photo, top right).
- Large professionally graded outside grow on area with 2m high shade cloth windbreak surround, transport racking and root air pruning capacity (see photo, centre right).
- All irrigation operated by a central computer & sprinklers are Senninger Wobblers, giving us very accurate & problem free watering.
- All trays are placed on racks allowing for 20cm of air pruning above gravelled grow-on areas.
- All trays of seedlings are de-plugged and bulked up to 100% prior to dispatch (see photo, bottom right).
Our potting medium (tried and proven for 10 years) is a premix, to our specifications, from Van Shaiks - Bio Gro - Mount Gambier. The mix contains sufficient slow release for the first 3 months of growth, allowing for hardening up in the last 3 months prior to dispatch. Each new shipment of potting mix has its own specification and testing analysis sheet.
- All tubestock are 120mm x 40mm square forestry tubes
- Hiko trays (in 40's) available by order only.
- Delivery can be arranged for large orders.